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Creative Writing Classes & Workshops

"Everyone has a strong, unique voice

Everyone is born with creative genius

A writer is someone who writes"

Starting from Scratch: A Self-Paced, Online Writing Course to Generate New Work


In this self-paced, online, three-week class, the

focus will be on supporting participants into a

regular writing practice in a fun, meaningful,

and engaging way.



Open to writers of all experience levels, participants will read short excerpts from various authors, and use inspiration from those readings and related writing prompts to create their own work. We will also go over some tried and true practices for strengthening and editing the pieces you write—making them into their strongest, most potent drafts. This class can be used for writing short fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, memoir or even the beginning of a novel.


Class structure:


You’ll receive access to the course on the first day of the month you sign up for. From there you have access to the three weeks of writing exercises, as well as instructions for sending in one typed page of your written work weekly for personalized feedback. Feedback will be kind and strengths-based and include some questions to consider in moving forward with the piece.


Lastly, you’ll get a resource in finding opportunities for getting your work published, if that is of interest to you. You will have 4 weeks from the time you start the course to finish.


You can start in any month (Oct, Nov, Dec. or Jan.)


To sign up, please email us at and let us know which month you'd like to start, then mail a check for between $75 and $150 (sliding scale, pay what you can) to:


Sea Wolf Books

PO Box 157 

Port Orford, OR 97465

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That One Time: A Memoir Writing Class

“If there’s a book you really want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” Toni Morrison


“What would you write if you weren’t afraid?” Mary Karr



While an autobiography tends to tell the story of one’s whole life, a memoir hones in on one moment, time or place. It is specific, and in that specificity there is a lot of room: a single day, a single hour, that afternoon you turned eleven and everything changed, that rainy season you spent heartbroken in Mexico City, etc. (You definitely don’t need to know yet what you will write about.) 


What actually goes into writing a compelling memoir? 


In this class we will answer that question together through reading excellent excerpts from memoirists such as Pam Houston, Annie Dillard, Augusten Burroughs, Toni Jensen, Elissa Washuta and others as well as through exercises to begin to determine what parts of our lives we will write about and how. 


In this four-week class, we will take the raw stuff of our lives and build a container to hold it. You will be expected to share one to two pages of your writing each week, and give feedback to others, using the Amherst Method for Poets and Writers (which is an excellent resource we will go over in class.)


There will be some reading/writing homework each week, and you will receive personalized weekly feedback from the instructor as well. This class is designed for beginner or intermediate writers. Please email with any questions about the class.


Class instructor: Charlie J. Stephens.


Bio: Charlie J. Stephens is a queer, non-binary, mixed-race writer from the Pacific Northwest. Born and raised in Salem, Oregon, Charlie has lived all over the U.S. as a bike messenger, wilderness guide, high school English teacher, and seasonal shark diver (for educational purposes only.) Resident of Port Orford on the southern Oregon coast, they are the owner of Sea Wolf Books & Community Writing Center. Charlie’s short fiction has appeared in Electric Literature, Best Small Fictions Anthology, New World Writing, Original Plumbing/Feminist Press, and elsewhere. Their debut novel, “A Wounded Deer Leaps Highest” was published by Torrey House Press in April 2024. More at

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Session 1: ZOOM

 $250 (some scholarships available)


Wednesdays 6-7:30pm on Zoom September 25, October 2, October 9 & October 16, 2024



Session 2: IN-PERSON $250 (some scholarships available)


Mondays 8:30am-10am in person (coffee provided!) October 7, October 14, October 21, October 28, 2024


TO SIGN UP for either of these offerings, please email us at and let us know which class you're taking, then mail a check to:


Sea Wolf Books

PO Box 157 

Port Orford, OR 97465

About the instructor: Charlie J. Stephens has been teaching creative writing since 2013. Born and raised in Salem, Oregon, Charlie has lived all over the U.S. as a bike messenger, wilderness guide, high school English teacher, and seasonal shark diver (for educational purposes only.) Resident of Port Orford on the southern Oregon coast, they are the owner of Sea Wolf Books & Community Writing Center. Charlie’s short fiction has appeared in Electric Literature, Best Small Fictions Anthology, New World Writing, Original Plumbing/Feminist Press, and elsewhere. Their debut novel, “A Wounded Deer Leaps Highest” was published by Torrey House Press in April 2024. You can read more at

A Wounded Deer Leaps Highest Novel by Charlie J. Stephens

*Cancellation Policy for all classes: Deposits are non-refundable. Two weeks before your class starts, 50% refund for the full class amount. One week before your class starts, 10% refund. You may also ask a friend or family member to take your spot, or donate your spot towards a community scholarship. ​

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