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Creative Restoration: A Yoga & Writing Retreat at Breitenbush Hot Springs

Sept. 27-29, 2024

Breitenbush Hot Springs Retreat

Registration is now open for the first of two fall retreats co-facilitated by Vital Current Yoga and Sea Wolf Books. We will be leading a yoga and writing retreat at the wonderful Breitenbush Hot Springs Sept. 27-29. To learn more, register, and choose your lodging/meal plan here's the link. Hope you join us. We are very excited to be there with folks!

Sourcing the Self: A Writing & Yoga Retreat at Summer Lake Hot Springs

Nov. 1-3, 2024

Our November writing and yoga retreat will be at the gorgeous Summer Lake Hot Springs Nov. 1-3. 


Registration is not open yet but if you'd like to be on the list, please let us know. 

Barn and bathhouse in Central Oregon



Charlie J. Stephens is a non-binary writer from the Pacific Northwest. Born and raised in Salem, Oregon, Charlie has lived all over the U.S. as a bike messenger, wilderness guide, high school English and creative writing teacher, and seasonal shark diver (for educational purposes only.) Always encouraged by their grandma and mom to write stories, putting pen to paper has long been a part of their life. They are a resident of Port Orford on the southern Oregon coast and the owner of Sea Wolf Books & Community Writing Center. Charlie’s short fiction has appeared in Electric Literature, Best Small Fictions Anthology, New World Writing, Original Plumbing, Feminist Press, and elsewhere. Their debut novel, “A Wounded Deer Leaps Highest” was published by Torrey House Press in April 2024. You can learn more about their writing life at




Heather Carpenter is a 500hr E-RYT, LMT, doula, yoga studio owner, mother of 4, and singer/songwriter. Heather lives in Port Orford where she teaches yoga teacher trainings, weekly yoga classes and practices massage at her studio. She has been doing yoga since her teens and teaching for over a decade. Heather is passionate about continuing education and has studied with many talented teachers over the years. Her intimate knowledge of anatomy and kinesiology plus her love of somatics fuel her classes. She teaches to all levels and is skilled at adapting poses and classes in the moment for her students. Heather’s style is approachable and her love of yoga and the deep philosophical teachings behind it shine through in her classes.



Charlie J. Stephens Sea Wolf Books
Heather Carpenter Vital Current Yoga

Here are some testimonials from our most recent retreats:

"I would whole-heartedly recommend this retreat to others! This carefully curated experience was a full-bodied, full spirited, joyful and restorative time for me this winter." Kat

"Heather and Charlie provided a safe and dynamic space for connection, expression and movement. Their affordable pricing and value made it an even better investment in the future me." Sara

"This was the most gentle and nurturing experience that allowed me to be present in my body, heart, and soul: to heal and just be." Heather

"Charlie and Heather shared their unique talents with generosity and joy, making it easy to access the most creative parts of myself." Kim

"I appreciated the efforts and forethought of everything Charlie and Heather provided, from the writing sessions to the yoga practice to all the delicious and nourishing meals." Jackie

"This was just what I needed: a reminder that the elements of this weekend are all within my grasp (yoga, writing, movement, nourishing food, rest, and good conversation.) Charlie and Heather have a way of providing comfort and healing to those around them and made such a great team." Alexa

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